self sabotage behavior

Don´t believe in the NON-POSITIVE stories/excuses that your mind comes up with

Do you know how many times I’ve heard people tell me that the reason why they aren’t achieving a particular goal is because of something in particular? As they say, they say it with total honesty and conviction. That’s because they bought into the big lies that our minds tend to tell us for the […]

Don´t believe in the NON-POSITIVE stories/excuses that your mind comes up with Read More »

Use Hypnosis To Stop Sabotaging Your Relationships

Whether we realize it or not, our minds refer to the past every time we are in a new situation to see how we’ve dealt in that situation. If it finds a negative program, there will be a tendency to want to replay it unless you change that programming by using a powerful tool such as Hypnosis.

Use Hypnosis To Stop Sabotaging Your Relationships Read More »

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