Tips For When You Feel Like Your Life Is Over Because Nothing Is Going Right
What I’m about to say to you, I’m going to say with a whole lot of love: Ruminating on everything that has gone wrong in your life, including the bad relationship you were in for way too long or the great business opportunity you didn’t take, can leave you feeling disappointed in yourself, let down by others and maybe even feeling hopeless. You can keep thinking about how you should have done this or that differently but in the end, it doesn’t change anything.
Here are some mental adjustments that you want to make if you want to get past these useless ways of thinking:
1. Stop acting as though your life is over. People live much longer lives than before. It makes no difference how old you are. The more you spend time thinking that your life is over, the more it becomes your reality because you make it that way.
2.Some of the things you experienced were probably out of your control so stop blaming yourself for them. Instead of thinking, “Why me.” See it for what it is. Things happen to everybody. What happened is just what happened. Stop personalizing it.
3. Let’s be honest, other things were in your control and you probably did make mistakes. So for example, nobody forced you to stay decades in a relationship that wasn’t working. We all make decisions for different reasons. It’s important to accept responsibility for your own actions. Only you know why you did or allowed what you allowed. It’s important that you become at peace with that so that you can move on from those past experiences and instead of seeing them as failures, see them as learning experiences and actually learn from them. So for example, don’t get yourself in a new relationship where you experience the same issues again.
4. Focus on creating the life you want to live now. Create a plan and start taking action. When things don’t go as planned, keep notes on what happened so that you can better fine tune your approach and keep going.
A new approach can make a world of a difference. It’s much better to be somebody who does things, fails, learns and then keeps working on their goals than to be a person who does nothing because there is a high chance that the person that keep persistently working towards their goals will either ultimately reach their goals or come across something even better in their life. I’ve found that life can take you on roads that you never saw coming so you never know what is up ahead. That’s why it’s imperative that you have a strong yet flexible mind.
The more you embrace life’s imperfections as well as your own and fine tune your approach, the more happiness and success you will open yourself to.