you are unique

The Dangers of Comparing Yourself to Others

  The dangers of comparing yourself to others Unless you are doing it for the purpose of motivating yourself, you have to absolutely stop comparing yourself with other people. It’s hands down one the fastest ways to feel miserable because you end up feeling critical of who you are and what you have. When you […]

The Dangers of Comparing Yourself to Others Read More »

You Have Your Own Unique Gifts and Abilities That Are Unique to You.

  It’s time that you realize that you have a lot to offer.  It’s all there.  It’s just a matter of you allowing yourself to see it.  This is something that only you can do for yourself. Instead of downplaying or wasting your abilities by not using them, begin to acknowledge all of what you

You Have Your Own Unique Gifts and Abilities That Are Unique to You. Read More »

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