This Is How You Grow the Most

As I look back on my life, I think of the situations that have caused me to grow the most.

And ironically, it wasn’t when I was super comfortable and didn’t have a care in the world.

That was actually when I grew the least.

Not only did I grow the least but it always felt as though something was missing.
That was probably because I wasn’t working on myself.
The times that I have grown the most have been during the toughest of times. . .
When I’ve been forced to show up for myself in a way that I never had before.

Ironically, tough times and challenges are something that all of us naturally attempt to avoid.

Trust, I’m the same way too!

If you believe in a higher power, you pray to avoid experiencing challenges.
Nobody wants to have to go through crap.
This is the thing: Focusing on not wanting to continue experiencing something doesn’t help.
Instead, we need to focus on having the wherewithal and courage to do the best we can and grow from those experiences.
You might think that whatever you are experiencing is something that nobody else is dealing with and life might feel unfair.

But trust me. . .

Nobody has a perfect life.


That is one of the pieces of wisdom that I’ve received from doing my line of work.

While a person might not have to deal with a particular situation that you might be dealing with, they may be dealing with something else.
Instead of feeling downtrodden from whatever you might be experiencing, I challenge you to take courage and take the situation head-on.
You don’t have to know the logistics of how everything is going to be figured out.

You just have to keep going.

Keep going with a mixture of Courage + Faith.

Instead of checking out when things are tough, more than ever, check in.

See what you can learn about yourself, how you can grow and do your best.
With Love, SASHA .

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