personal growth

Regardless of The Past, You Are Powerful

I was talking to a client who had suffered through a lot of childhood trauma. As we talked, he mentioned how he felt he couldn’t possibly heal himself or even put behind what he had experienced. I could see that he saw himself as the messed up product of all of those experiences. I explained […]

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Your Every Day Mental Habits Are Controlling Your Life

Sometimes, we get so use to thinking the same stuff over and over that we stop to even question what we might be doing to ourselves. So for example, if you are constantly bashing yourself with negative self-talk or are constantly reliving the anger and hurt from some traumatic event, on some level, it’s like

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Success Strategy #5: Think Outside the Box

To Succeed you must… think Outside the Box. Be original, be brave and don’t be afraid of doing it your another way. This is my # 5 success strategy: Be creative and resourceful. Often, you need to create new and different ideas to make something real. To think outside the box you need to break

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