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4 Reasons to Stop People Pleasing
March 3, 2021People pleasing is a sure way of feeling unhappy. Honestly, it’s a set up for a slew of negative emotions. Nothing good ever comes from it. For all of the reasons listed here, you must stop hurting yourself in this way. You probably...
10Knowing What You Want Isn’t Enough
March 3, 2021Knowing what you want isn’t enough. You could easily find that you are still wanting when you could be growing and on your way to a whole new reality. Doing nothing can often lead to anxiety and depression. It can be detrimental to...
10Don’t be Fooled By The Social Media Filter
March 3, 2021Think about it, when somebody asks you “How are you?” don’t you automatically tend to say, “Fine, well or great.” A lot of times we don’t think even think about it. In most families, at a young age, we are taught to mind how people...
20You don’t see me put up pictures that are a little on the sexy side very often but today, I thought, what the heck! It doesn’t take from the fact that I’m a healing professional who is super committed to helping people. Plus, the way I...
10Here’s my list: Never stop self-care, never stop talking to yourself positively and never stop believing yourself How about you? What comes to you?...
20Imagine having a cozy Mental Mantras blanket on you and being able to choose from either a mind audio training to boost your self-confidence, get rid of anxiety or to help you to sleep. At some moment, everybody could benefit from...
20Are You Somebody With a Big Dream?
March 3, 2021Are you somebody with a big dream? If so, I have a feel-good story for you. Flashback to 2015. . . A girl just like any other girl decided to transform her life by transforming her health. She entered into a bodybuilding.com contest...
00This world will try to tell you that you need to be cookie cutter. In reality, you just need to do you. Don’t care about what other people are doing. Find your voice. Do things your way. Sure, it’s a good idea to model success. Just be...
00This text message is a good example of the kind of progress that I want to see in my clients. My work isn’t a magic bullet but it is an effective way of progressively reaching goals. My goal is that every client one day look back and...
00You can’t imagine how many times I’ve had people coming in asking me to help them believe in themselves and have a high self-confidence. Countless times, I could see and pick up on their energy and power yet they couldn’t. Many times,...
00What Can You Do To Feel Better?
March 2, 2021Here’s a secret: A lot of the time, I wear lipstick underneath my mask. Yes, I know that nobody’s going to see it but if anything, I’m doing it for me. I just feel better when I know that my smile is the kind of smile that shines...
00Never Personalize Other People’s Bad Behaviors
March 2, 2021Never personalize other people’s bad behaviors. Stay in your power and remember that you deserve to be treated with respect. Any person who is incapable of that has issues. It’s important to have boundaries. So for example,...