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I want to take a moment to go over a list of things that you should stop doing when you are specifically looking to improve your mental health. In general, when you want to change one thing in your life, it’s important to assess what...
40Knowing What You Want Isn’t Enough
March 3, 2021Knowing what you want isn’t enough. You could easily find that you are still wanting when you could be growing and on your way to a whole new reality. Doing nothing can often lead to anxiety and depression. It can be detrimental to...
10It Takes Courage to Face and Heal Old Wounds
March 1, 2021It’s so easy to keep ourselves so busy that we never take time to self-analyze and do what we need to do for ourselves. Even watching tv can become a person’s top priority instead of truly taking care of themselves. The problem is that...
00Do you know how many times I’ve heard people tell me that the reason why they aren’t achieving a particular goal is because of something in particular? As they say, they say it with total honesty and conviction. That’s because they...
00Are You Your Worst Enemy?
December 23, 2019Are You Your Worst Enemy? Are you so self-critical that sometimes it’s like you’re your own worst enemy? If so, I have a great little life lesson for you, courtesy of my three-year-old. Imagine that we’re in...
00Negative Mental Filters and Their Impact On Our Lives
February 3, 2019Negative Mental Filters and Their Impact On Our Lives Today I’m going to share a very interesting story with you. Years ago, I had a woman come in because she had this horrible fear of flying. I had already worked with her...
00The Two Disempowering Phrases You Should Eliminate From Your Life
December 27, 2017The Two Disempowering Phrases You Should Eliminate From Your Life If you are looking to heal and grow as a human being, then there are two most disempowering phrases that you absolutely need to stop thinking and saying. The...
00Overcoming Perfectionism: The Story Of One Entrepreneur’s Struggle. I recently had an entrepreneur comingvwho was beating himself up over the fact that his last business project took much more time and effort than...
00Stop Wishing And Start Doing By Following These 3 Steps
April 24, 2017I can’t emphasize how important it is to start doing. Thinking of a great idea and having lofty goals isn’t enough. It’s important that you be able to take your desire and do something with it. If you find yourself...
00Do you find yourself worrying too much about what other people will think and say when making important things for yourself? Buring your talents for fear of being judged is no way to live. People who are constantly worried about...
00The Surprising Myths About Successful People
November 29, 2016Are you somebody who thinks that you can’t be successful because you’re just not the type? If so, then let me help you get rid of that limiting belief. I’ve now seen thousands of people and for whatever reason, in general, my...
00The 3 Most Common Forms of Self-Sabotage
June 7, 2016Are you self-sabotaging yourself and don’t even realize it? People self-sabotage themselves in a variety of ways. Here are the three most common ones: You never start doing the important things that you want and need to do....